# 3DS
The 3DS version used for the payment depends on:
- The card issuer enrollment
- The configuration of the PSP of the merchant
The virtual cards generated by the card issuers called by Pledg (Arkea, Edenred and Manager One) are pre-enrolled 3DS2.
Therefore, if the PSP of the merchant is configured to use:
- 3DS2: it works frictionless
- 3DS1: the merchant should deactivate the 3DS verification for the Pledg virtual cards, which can be identified with their BIN:
- 513218 (for Arkea)
- 522719 (for Edenred corporate)
- 531014 (for Edenred consumer)
- 48719434 (for Manager One corporate)
- 48719334 (for Manager One consumer)